Dedicated to Protecting the Environment, the Land and Wildlife.

Millennium Pipeline is committed to protecting all aspects of the environment, including the air, water, land, and wildlife it sustains. We do it because we love it here too, and we place a high value on environmental protection. We respect the landowners, right of ways and the surrounding areas where we operate, and we are committed to minimizing our environmental footprint while meeting the region’s needs for safe and reliable energy. Some of our efforts are outlined below:

  • Utilize trenchless construction methods extensively to minimize ground surface impacts and disturbances to environmentally sensitive areas such as wetlands
  • Built compressor stations using highly efficient compressors and employing methane and other emission reduction technologies
  • Added oxidation catalysts at select compressor stations to reduce combustion emissions
  • Installed seal gas booster pumps at all compressor stations to reduce methane emissions 
  • Installed capped vents to prevent natural gas release into atmosphere during required testing of safety systems 
  • Undertaking aerial surveys of pipeline at least quarterly to monitor for leaks
  • Conduct LDAR tests at compressor facilities to monitor for gas leaks
  • Identified the most fuel-efficient operational patterns for each compressor station to provide the greatest emissions reduction
  • Millennium is a member of INGAA, whose members have made strong commitments to reduce emissions and embrace new technologies
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Nationwide: 811
New York State: 1-800-962-7962

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